Natural Stone Styles

In the natural stone world there are many different styles to choose from to create the look you are after. For those of you in the design phase of your home or project, I have devised a list with photos of the different styles available in natural stone. Keep in mind, the final look will also depend on the installer. Masonry is an art and each “artist” lays stone differently. Not only does the style and installer of stone make a difference but also the joints (wide, drystack, overgrout, etc) and mortar color used. I will get into this in a later blog discussion 🙂 And then we get into blends! You can go crazy with blends! Ledge with Squares and Recs, Stacked Stone and Cottage blend, Ledge and Stacked Stone, on and on. This will also be another blog I’m excited to get into! For now, lets get into these fantastic styles!
LEDGE – The Ledge style is by far the most popular style chosen. It is a nice blend of smaller and larger faces, parallel tops and bottoms with natural ends.
COTTAGE – This style creates a rustic, organic look by combining natural linear and mosaic shapes.
STACK STONE – This style is a low profile stone presented with split and natural faces ideal for either traditional or contemporary feel. The specification for this stone is 3-10″ lengths with 1-3″ heights for thin veneer and 2-4″ heights in the cut backs (2-4″ thickness).
SQUARES & RECS – The Square and Rectangular shape of this stone is a great compliment to any design and is easy to install. The larger face values of this stone make it great for expansive walls and tall areas.
ASHLAR – This gorgeous stone can cater to many designs and add a modern flare to any project. This stone comes with cut tops and bottoms and you can choose from gauged heights of 2″ up to 10″. You can install this like brick with the same height throughout or mix the heights for a random ashlar design.
BANNACK – This stone is a cut faced stone revealing the interior grey tones. This stone is most often sealed to create a nice finished, contemporary look. You can get this cut faced stone in both tumbed and non-tumbled.
SPLIT FACE – As the name suggests, this stone is split to reveal the inner cores of the stone. The color tones lean towards a range of greys with rough faces that create a nice texture.
TUMBLED – By tumbling the stone you will receive softened edges and muted color tones. This stone is great for those desiring an “Old World” feel. This stone is available in Ledge, Cottage Blend and Stack Stone.
Check back later for some more discussions about natural stone and its endless versatility!